So exactly how did we - an exhibitions and events business - survive the pandemic... and thrive?

Survival is anticipation, adaptation, and action.


Have a disaster recovery plan in place. Who could have predicted the pandemic (apart from Bill & Mel)? As a business that has come through two recessions, multiple changes of government, and now a pandemic. We have not only survived — we are thriving. We’ve always had a mindset to plan, guess it’s inherent as we anticipate our clients’ needs, unlikely but possible situations. Circumstances beyond our control are challenges we prepare for with plans a, b, c, and d.

Beyond project management, we have a business disaster recovery plan that has proved its value. Key people, key knowledge, and key systems are covered. When it started to look like we would have to work from home we were ready all bar buying network adaptors for our staff. The day lockdown was official we were communicating through Teams, connected to our server, and in touch with our clients.


So the unthinkable happened, we implemented the emergency plans to keep the business functioning, Kendal mint cake and headlamps issued. Working from home was a massive change for everyone however everything worked and we adapted to the new situation perhaps quicker than most because we were prepared and our infrastructure was intact albeit different. As lockdown deepened as with everyone else our income was cut off, BAM, just like that. So what do we do, well firstly we don’t panic. We were and still are operating without an overdraft, a deliberate financial policy that has served us well. We adapted to the new situation to do things differently and to do different things. We developed not one but two virtual event platforms. We expanded our services to providing graphic design to clientele outside of our existing client base. These changes, these adaptions came about because we are creative problem solvers.


As per the lyrics of a noughties dance anthem, “…inaction is a weapon of mass destruction”.

We keep forward momentum even when three wheels have fallen off the trolley, we work as a team carrying each other, our clients and the business to the pitstop when we can fix the wheels, grease ‘em up, and tear out into poll position.

It hasn't been easy, but we have been one of the fortunate few businesses in the industry to have survived, take a few minutes and double-check if you're fit to face the next unforeseen challenge.

• Plan ahead, have in place some sort of disaster recovery plan, what would cripple the company?

• Build flexibility into all areas of the business from cashflow to communications, staffing to stock inventory.

• Be creative in your thinking, never ever shoot down ideas.

Anticipation. Adaptation. Action. Don’t just survive, thrive.


Make it personal at Sibos & Money 20/20


Stand Builder at Medica Düsseldorf